Magic Accessory

Rubber Bands

Rubber Bands

from CA$4.95


1) Joe Rindfleisch's Rubber Bands

Available in Rainbow and Red , Hanson Chien - Blue , Daniel Garcia - Orange ,

Black/White .

#19 Size . round 3.5 inches



Each band is coated with Elastraflex which makes the bands stronger and less likely to break during performance. Bands are able to stretch further than normal bands and continue to stay shiny. These bands are smooth to the touch and don't feel like rubber as they slide smoothly against each other. Simply put...... if you do rubber band magic, you need these bands!Elastraflex Coated, Non Latex Bands .

2) Murphys Gold Rubber bands

#19 Size , round 3.5 inches ; 25g $4.95

Perfect for those effects that require a specific size band.

Each bag contains approximately 100 Bands.

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